Searching by Area in Flexmls Quick Launch
Flexmls lets you quickly and easily search an area in the Quick Launch bar. The Quick Launch bar is a convenient tool at the top of most Flexmls pages, allowing members to conduct searches without visiting the Quick Search screen.

Combining Search Criteria in the Quick Launch Bar
The Quick Launch bar in Flexmls offers a plethora of benefits and allows you to do all your searching in one spot. You can combine your search criteria in the Quick Launch bar to begin basic searches with multiple criteria in Flexmls. This feature is user-friendly,...
New 1/4 Mile Radius Search Option in Quick Launch
Do you want easier access to nearby listings for a specific address? You can now quickly perform a 1/4 mile radius search in the Quick Launch bar in Flexmls.

Search By Radius in the Flexmls Quick Launch
The Quick Launch is a multi-purpose search bar located at the top of most screens in Flexmls. Did you know you can use the Quick Launch bar to do a radius search? This option allows you to view results in your desired area quickly.