CMA (In-Person) Class – 12/12/2023
Metro MLS 12300 W Center St, Milwaukee, WIOur CMA class will show you how to find comparable properties, create a CMA and edit an existing CMA so you can create a CMA that meets your search parameters […]
ANNOUNCEMENT: Metro MLS is closed Monday, Nov. 11, for Veterans Day. Flexmls questions? Call 414-778-5400 | Learn More
Our CMA class will show you how to find comparable properties, create a CMA and edit an existing CMA so you can create a CMA that meets your search parameters […]
Our CMA class will show you how to find comparable properties, create a CMA and edit an existing CMA so you can create a CMA that meets your search parameters […]
In this class, you will learn the basic steps for adding contacts, searches and subscriptions in Flexmls. We also will introduce you to our new scheduling platform, Aligned Showings.
In this class, you will learn the basic steps for adding contacts, searches and subscriptions in Flexmls. We also will introduce you to our new scheduling platform, Aligned Showings.
In this class, you will learn the basic steps for adding contacts, searches and subscriptions in Flexmls. We also will introduce you to our new scheduling platform, Aligned Showings.
Aligned Showings is a full featured showing tool for real estate agents that provides an easy and convenient way to manage, schedule showings and communicate with other agents. In this […]
Aligned Showings is a full featured showing tool for real estate agents that provides an easy and convenient way to manage, schedule showings and communicate with other agents. In this […]
This class will give you all you need to know when listing a property, including policy and procedures. We will also cover the best practices for how to enter and […]
This class will give you all you need to know when listing a property, including policy and procedures. We will also cover the best practices for how to enter and […]
Open Labs allow you to receive quick assistance on any Flexmls topic. We ask that you come in with specific questions, as this is not a class, and we want […]