RapidStats Live (Brokers) - METRO MLS


RapidStats is the in-house reporting and market analytics tool offered by Markt. RapidStats produces Metro MLS’s Monthly Market Reports. Brokers also have access to RapidStats Live, an interactive application that allows them to view in-the-moment data and produce various reports at their convenience.


RapidStats Live is an industry-leading interactive reporting and market analytics tool from Markt. It is a subscription-based product that is available to brokers. RapidStats Live gives you timely, accurate and comprehensive information to help you in your business and provide clients with powerful market insights.

Take our RapidStats Live self-paced online course to learn about the features and how to utilize the program efficiently and effectively so it can help you thrive in the real estate industry.

We also have an in-depth blog available that includes a breakdown of the features and an informative question-and-answer section on RapidStats Live.

Agent Metrics

RapidStats Live offers in-depth statistics on the production, inventory and efficiency of all Metro MLS members. An Agent Production report is available, which allows you a rolling 24-month look at an agent’s MLS transactions. These reports are easy to access and can serve as helpful tools for growing your business.

Customizable Reports 

With customizable reports on residential for-sale properties and rentals, you can generate specific market analytics by drilling down to your target market’s county, city, or ZIP codes. You can easily save reports to use again and include both a cover and definitions page when sharing with a client.

A Historical Look

RapidStats features reports on current listings, sold listings and supply versus demand. It breaks down the information by price range, square feet range and dwelling type. The reports also provide a historical look by comparing present-day numbers to past values. For example, RapidStats can quickly give you the number of listings sold within a specific ZIP code this month versus the number sold last month or the same month of the previous year.


RapidStats also features customizable infographics, including a brief market commentary based on the movement of active and sold listings, median sale price per square foot, months of supply and median days on market. These infographics are perfect for marketing materials or giving clients a visual understanding of the state of the target market.

RapidStats Infographic

Who Gets Access?

RapidStats Live is available to brokers for $45 for a three-month subscription by visiting met.RapidStats.com. If you need to make a payment, RapidStats will redirect you to Atlas to pay directly online. Please contact Metro MLS at 414-778-5400, ext. 1 if you have any questions.