All residential listings must be uploaded within 48 hours of the list date to flexMLS, per MLS Rules. The list date is the TERM OF THE CONTRACT date on the listing contract. If the seller(s) do not want the property entered into MLS within 48 hours, a…
Request to be Excluded from Metro MLS Form
…must be submitted.
Fill out the form to its entirety, including seller(s) initials where required along with a copy of the listing contract, within forty-eight (48) hours of the listing date. Fax the documents to (414) 778-6143 to the attention of Admin or e-mail it to put “Request to be Excluded” as the subject line. MLS will invoice at the current fee.
- Enter the new listing using the Delayed Status. Enter the Start Showing Date as the date the property can start to be shown (maximum of 15 days from the listing contract date). Be thoughtful in choosing this date, as it cannot be changed to accommodate showings earlier. To understand more about delayed listing status, click here
- If the property is currently an Active listing in FlexMLS and cannot be shown, change the listing status to Withdrawn. Once the property is available for showings, put the listing Back on Market
Members can withdraw their listings by going to the Change listing screen for the property and selecting Withdraw Listing. Members use and retain their withdrawal form for their records and should refer to their respective brokers or other MLSs specific to rules & procedures regarding withdrawals.
NOTE: Days On Market (DOM) accumulate while the property is active and withdrawn; withdrawn is still an “Active” listing type. Once a Withdrawn listing is put back to an Active status, the DOM that occurred while the listing was in a Withdrawn status will be added to the listings total DOM.