The Delayed listing status allows the seller to offer a sneak peek of its property to potential buyers before it hits Active status. It is a way for the seller to prepare the home for showings while the listing agent starts advertising and generating interest in the property.
You can use signage, advertisements, social media and broker websites to advertise a Delayed status property. No showings, such as agent previews, broker opens or public showings, can occur when a property is in Delayed status.
Delayed listings also are not included in subscriptions, IDX feeds and third-party syndication feeds. The listing agent cannot use Delayed status to create a pocket listing or circumvent other MLS policies or rules.
The property must be entered as Delayed from the start and requires seller’s consent. It can remain in the MLS as Delayed for up to 21 days. Once you select the start showing date, you cannot change it to an earlier date. You can extend the start showing date as long as it does not exceed 21 days. If you extend the date, you must upload a revised form with the seller’s approval and then notify Metro MLS ( that you changed the start by date.