How to Clear Cache and Cookies on a Web Browser - METRO MLS Blog

If you notice that Flexmls is not loading quickly or correctly, it might be best to clear your cache and cookies. Clearing them can significantly improve the speed and performance of your browser.

Cache and Cookies

A web browser allows you to access the internet. Cache is additional memory aiding the processing and speed of the web browser, while cookies track website activity.

You can find the steps for clearing cache and cookies on a browser’s support website. Below are a few of the popular browsers used by members.

You should clear your cache and cookies as needed. Below are common issues that indicate you should clear your cache and cookies:

  • Webpages (,, etc.) are not loading.
  • You can’t log in to Flexmls.
  • You’re unable to find a field or menu option in Flexmls.
  • Tax Information links are not loading or giving an error message.
  • Your recently updated Flexmls profile or listing information are not showing.