Creating a View in WIREdata - METRO MLS Blog

Do you want to see more information about your results screen in Tax Information? You can view more data by creating a View.

A View is the columns you see on the results screen in Tax Information, also known as WIREdata. In the tutorial below, you will learn how to create, edit and use custom Views in Tax Information. 

You can access Tax Information by going to Flexmls and searching Tax Information under the Menu tab.

After you click Tax Information, the system will automatically redirect you to the WIREdata page. 

Tax Information

In the WIREdata menu, click Setup and then click Browse Views. This will bring you to the “Create, edit, or use your custom browse views screen” where you can see your existing Views and create new Views.

WIREdata Browse Views

To create a new View, click New. You will now be on the “Create a new custom parcel browse screen.” First, give your new View a name in the top box. Then, select the information fields you want in your View.

Once you select the fields you want, you can reorganize the list by using the buttons on the right. Click Save View once you finish selecting and organizing your columns.

WIREdata Save View

To use your newly-created View, click a search type in the Search section in the WIREdata menu.

After you complete a search, you will see View Fields in the top right corner of the results page. WIREdata sets Standard as the default View. You can change it to your newly-created View by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting your desired View.

WIREdata Select View

Contact Metro MLS’s Support Department at 414-778-5400, ext. 1, if you have any questions on WIREdata.