Excluded Listings vs. Delayed Listings - METRO MLS Blog

Excluded listings and Delayed listings are two different status types but are sometimes misunderstood by members. What is the difference between the two statuses?

Excluded Listings Delayed Listings
Seller’s consent required? Yes Yes
Listing status timeframe? Unlimited Up to 21 days
Available in Flexmls? Not allowed in MLS system Available in Hot Sheets
Property showings? Yes No
Advertise the property? No Yes
Distributed in subscriptions? No No
Distributed in IDX feeds? No No. It is only distributed in IDX to your own company.
Distributed to third-party sites? No No

Excluded Listings

The National Association of Realtors and Metro MLS uphold the standards of Clear Cooperation and fair housing. Sellers can exclude their property from the multiple listing service, but it comes with stipulations.

Realtors are not allowed to advertise a property that is excluded from the MLS. This could lead to less exposure to the property and reduce fairness.

A permissible purpose of a seller excluding a property from the MLS is to allow privacy and provide additional confidentiality. You also can exclude the listing if your seller is getting the property ready to show, and it will take over 21 days.

Metro MLS no longer publishes the exclusion report due to the National Association of Realtors’ Clear Cooperation policy. This went into effect on March 1, 2020. The list advertised properties excluded from the MLS, which goes against the spirit of Clear Cooperation.

Delayed Listings

The Delayed listing status allows the seller to prepare its home for showings while the listing agent starts advertising and generating interest in the property.

No showings, such as agent previews, broker opens or public showings, can occur when a property is in Delayed status.

The property must be entered as Delayed from the start and requires seller’s consent. It can remain in the MLS as Delayed for up to 21 days. Showings cannot start sooner than what was originally approved by the seller.