Metro MLS offers accurate and timely real estate data to its members. Our Data Integrity group cleans up over 20,000 potential data errors each year. Correct data is vital and allows for fair housing for everyone involved in the home selling and buying experience.
We encourage you to look over our Rules and Procedures packets to make sure you are familiar with the policies and avoid entering incorrect information, which could result in a sanction.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to find and familiarize yourself with the MLS Rules and Procedures.
Start at’s Homepage
Hover over the Rules menu at the top right portion of the website and then click on Data Integrity.
Scroll Down and Open Your Desired File
Once you are on the Data Integrity page, the Rules & Procedures section will be at the top of the page after you scroll past the page header. You will see a section titled Rules and Procedures. Click on your desired information packet and it will open the file in a new browser.
The Rules information packet features all the Metro MLS rules members must follow. The Procedures information packet consists of all the necessary information members need to know when entering a listing into Flexmls® and what the Metro MLS Data Integrity department looks for to ensure the listing procedures are followed correctly.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Data Integrity at 414-778-5400 EXT 2. We are here to help.