Is your client looking for a condominium? There are multiple ways to search for condominiums, also called condos, in Flexmls.
The most popular way to search for condos in Flexmls is to change the search template in Quick Search to 06 Condominium. After you switch the search template, the default condo search fields will appear. You can then input your desired search criteria.
Changing the search template to Condominium will net the highest number of search results. You will also find a smaller number of properties under the Single Family search template.
If you search for condos under Single Family, click the Add a field to the search field and then add Deeded Condo.
How to List a Condo in Flexmls
Members can enter a condo as either a Condominium or Single-Family property type.
If a condo shares a wall, members must enter it into the system as a Condominium property type and upload the Condominium documents to the listing.
Condos that do not share a wall and are stand-alone properties can be entered into the MLS as a Single-Family property type. Members must select Deeded Condo in the Details tab under Type and upload the Condominium documents to the listing.
Condominiums can only be entered in the MLS as one type. Metro MLS will remove duplicate listings.