Who Do I Contact? - METRO MLS Blog

Do you have a pressing question and need assistance? Contacting the correct Metro MLS department or the proper real estate organization right away can save you time. We have a Contact Us page available with our department phone numbers and email addresses. It also details who you should contact for IDX feeds, lockboxes and other third-party products you have access to through Metro MLS. If you have questions on Flexmls, changing listing data or billing, below is a breakdown of which Metro MLS department you should contact and how you can contact them.

Technical Support Flexmls, Monsoon, RapidStats 414-778-5400, ext. 1 support@metromls.com
Data Integrity Listing Changes, Rules, Disabled Account, Forms, Membership 414-778-5400, ext. 2 admin@metromls.com
Billing Payments, Invoice Questions 414-778-5400, ext. 3 metrobilling@metromls.com

We recommend you bookmark the Contact Us page so that you can access it quickly and conveniently in the future. Do you have a suggestion? Please fill out the form on our homepage or email us directly at inmyopinion@metromls.com.