Subscriptions: Opting-In & Opting-Out - METRO MLS Blog

After the work is done to set up clients on subscriptions, there’s one final step that is sometimes overlooked: the Opt-In Status. If your clients aren’t receiving subscription emails, here are some common reasons and solutions to fix them.

The Opt-In Status

First and foremost, the subscription email process must be completed by the client! Clients must click the link in their email to confirm their email address is valid and that they want to receive listings via a subscription. Until they opt-in, they will not receive listing emails.

screenshot of email from flex requesting to opt-in

How do I check the Opt-In Status?

Confirm the opt-in status by going to the Contact Details page within Contact Management from the Flexmls Menu. Alternatively, check out the Opt-In Status Report for a full list of all your contacts’ statuses in a centralized location. If a client is not receiving the automatic emails, you’ll see Pending by their email address.

If the opt-in status is pending, the automatic emails will not be sent. At this time, you can resend the opt-in request by clicking on Send opt-in request under the Action column. It’s a good idea to let your client know to look out for this specific email.

Screenshot of the opt in status with the subscription hilighted

Opt-In Confirmation

Once a client opts in to receiving emails, their status will change to Confirmed.

Contact Detail Screen Flexmls

Opt-Out or Inactive Status

Opt-Out Status means the contact has received an opt-in email and has opted out of receiving future emails. An Inactive Status means the contact received an opt-in email and opted in but has not clicked an emailed link in 13 months. If a contact is inactive or has opted out, you can click Send opt-in request in the Action column to send another opt-in request.

For more information on Subscriptions and Portals take our Online Course.