The Opt-In Status Report - METRO MLS Blog

Is your client not receiving their subscription emails from Flexmls? Make sure to check the Opt-In Status Report.

To find the Opt-In Status Report, start by clicking on Menu, under Contacts. This will show which contacts are receiving listing updates via email from the subscriptions.

menu for opt in statis report screenshot

The first time Flexmls attempts to send a subscription email to a contact, the recipient will be sent an opt-in request. The client must click the link in the email to confirm that their email address is valid and that they want to receive listings via subscription. Until they opt in, they will not receive subscription emails.

portal invitation email for opt in status report

The report page includes the following tabs to help you manage subscriptions: Summary, Pending Opt-In, Undeliverable, Confirmed, Opted Out and Inactive.

opt in status report screenshot

 Opt-in Status Types:

  • Confirmed– The contact has received an opt-in email and has confirmed that they want to receive future emails.
  • Opted out– The contact has received an opt-in email and has opted out of receiving future emails.
  • Pending– The contact has received an opt-in email but has not responded.
  • Inactive– The contact received an opt-in email and opted in but has not clicked an emailed link in 13 months.

Note, if a contact is inactive or has opted out, you can click Send opt-in request in the Action column to send another opt-in request.