Statistical Reports - METRO MLS Blog

FlexMLS is filled with a variety of reports to help sellers have a better understanding of the market. Once you arrive on FlexMLS’s website, go to Statistics and then Statistical Reports. This will allow you access to all the reports that you can run. You also can view a sample of the reports and their contents before you run them.

Here is a list of reports you will find on FlexMLS’s website:

Statistical Summaries
This report provides summary statistics for sales, including breakdowns for co-listings, listings compared to sales, and stats for the statuses of listings during a specified period.

This report breaks down sales by terms of sale.

Market Penetration
This report allows agents to view their listing and sale activity compared to their offices or the MLS.

Market Comparison
This report allows agents to compare their productivity year over year. It also can be run for the entire MLS.

Days on Market
This report summarizes days on market statistics for your sales. It also can be run for the entire MLS.

Price Range Statistics
This report summarizes your sales by price range. It also can be run for the entire MLS.

Managerial Statistics
This report summarizes the agent’s or office’s sales and listing activity. It also provides market share data.