At Metro MLS, we pride ourselves on offering accurate data in order to assist our members and effectively enhance fair housing for all individuals.
Our Data Integrity department reviews every listing contract for accuracy and corrects any listing errors. Last year, there were 7,243 violations, a 19.7% decrease from 2021. Let’s take a look.
Top 10 listing violations from 2022:
Rank | Sanction | # of Errors |
1 | Address Error | 3345 |
2 | Incorrect Expiration Date | 786 |
3 | Variable Rate Comm | 704 |
4 | Incorrect List Date | 671 |
5 | Incorrect Item in Remarks | 416 |
6 | Incorrect Municipality | 338 |
7 | Named Prospect | 317 |
8 | Incorrect Zip Code | 193 |
9 | Broker Owned | 154 |
10 | Incorrect Tax Key | 147 |
Metro MLS provides training to help members eliminate errors while enhancing the user experience of Flexmls. This year, we will implement improvements to enhance the system and help eliminate listing data errors.
If you make an error, you can self-report a violation on your listing right away. We will make the change and not sanction you for the error. We also have our rules and procedures available for members to review before entering a listing.