Floor plans now have their own dedicated media category in Flexmls! When adding or editing a listing, you’ll find a new Floor Plans section. This makes it as easy to upload floor plans as it is to add photos.
Looking for listings with floor plans? Simply use Additional Search Options in Quick Search to filter them effortlessly.
Want to add a floor plan to your listing? CubiCasa, a mobile floor plan app, is a Metro MLS member benefit! Create detailed, accurate floor plans with a quick home scan. Stand out from the competition — get started today!
FAQs on the Flexmls Update
What file types are accepted? Accepted file types for floor plans include all currently accepted photo file types (JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF, HEIC, BMP, TIF, TIFF, PBM).
What is the maximum file size accepted? Maximum accepted file sizes are also the same as maximum accepted photo sizes (15 MB or 3000 x 2000 pixels).
Can you upload a floor plan as a PDF? PDFs are not currently an accepted file type for floor plans.
Marketing Activity Label Updates
We have also updated the labels for marketing activities in Flexmls. To follow the industry standard and to use terminology familiar to agents and brokerages, we have updated the following terms across the Flexmls system:
- Tour of Homes will now be labeled Broker Open House.
- Open House will now be labeled Public Open House.