To make an incomplete listing active, go to Menu, ADD/CHANGE, then Incomplete. Here you will find listings you have started, but not completed.
Select the incomplete listing and click EDIT at the bottom right. You will be able to edit two main areas, General (Listing Information) and Media (Photos, Documents, Videos and Virtual Tours). For this purpose, you will select General (Listing Information). In this section, go to Main Fields, and review the Status, Listing Date and Expiration Date.
The Status should be Active. The Listing Date must match the TERM OF THE CONTRACT dates from Listing Contract-line 311.
Regarding the Expiration Date, input the date from the TERM OF THE CONTACT dates from Listing Contact-line 312. Once the required fields have been added, and other details have been carefully reviewed, you will be able to click Add Listing, located in the top right. Your listing will be active and assigned an MLS number.
For more information, see the online webinar for Adding a Listing.