Did you make a mistake and catch it before we did? Metro MLS prides itself on offering accurate real estate data. In that spirit, we offer our members the ability to self-report a violation to avoid a sanction.
Simply, tell on yourself. If you notify us of an error before we send a violation notice, we will help you correct that mistake without assessing a penalty.
To self-report a violation, visit the Fix My Mistake section underneath the Rules menu at MetroMLS.com. Below is a two-step guide on how to find the Fix My Mistake form so you can notify us of a mistake and avoid a sanction.
Start at MetroMLS.com’s Homepage
Hover over the Rules menu at the top right portion of the website and then click on Fix My Mistake.
Fill out the Fix My Mistake Form
Once you click on Fix My Mistake, it will automatically take you directly to this form. Fill out the form with all the required information, and we will assist you with your mistake.