Eight Key Functions Inside Contact Management - METRO MLS Blog

Below is a list of eight functions inside Contact Management in Flexmls that could improve your everyday use.

1.  Search ≠ Subscription

A search is not a subscription. If the contact is not getting your emails, confirm there is a search and subscription added for that search.

2. Use Quick Add

You don’t need every piece of information for a client to be added to Contact Management. At minimum, you must have a name and email address in order to add someone as a contact. Using the Quick Add option at the top is the fastest way to add a new client.

Quick Add

3. Print/Export Contact List

You can print your contact list from Contact Management or export contacts to excel. Alternatively, if you have a specific group of clients you need to share information with, printing or exporting contacts is a useful tool.

4. Transfer a Contact

To transfer a contact to an informed agent or to another subscriber in your office, you need the name or MLS ID of the member who’s contact you want to transfer. This may help if you are on a team or taking time away from work.

5. Run Reverse Prospecting

Reverse prospecting matches potential buyers with your listings. It works by searching for members who have contacts with saved searches that match your listings. This function must be attached to a contact in Contact Management. To allow searches related to this contact to be used in reverse prospecting for the rest of the MLS, click the Reverse Prospecting checkbox.

Reverse Prospecting

6. Set Up a Subscription for Your Client

From Contact Management, you can create a new Subscription for Flexmls to automatically send listing notification emails.

7. Add a Search from Contact Management

If you have a contact and a previously created search, add the search to the contact via Contact Management. It’s common for members to first complete a search and then add that search to a client, but knowing the inverse can be a time saver.

    1. Go to the Searches/Subscriptions tab
    2. Click Add
    3. Select a Saved Search
    4. Attach Saved Search(es)
    5. Click Close 
8. Notes Tab for Individual Contacts

Use the Notes tab of the contact details to enter notes about the selected contact. Time and date stamps are automatically applied. Notes are awesome for random details you may not want to commit to memory, but may need in the future, such as a client’s children’s names, their birthday or their favorite coffee.
