Essential Communication Tips In Flexmls - METRO MLS Blog

To optimize your communication process, whether you are using Subscriptions, Portals or both, we’ve compiled a list of essential tips that will help you stay organized and keep your clients engaged.


  • Confirm your client’s Opt-In Status: After creating a Subscription for your client, ensure they have opted-in to receive automatic email updates.
  • Choose the right subscription schedule: Understanding the various subscription schedules is crucial in deciding a frequency that will suit your client’s needs. Opting for an ASAP schedule could inundate them with numerous emails daily. Furthermore, keep in mind that updates are only sent if there have been changes since the last communication, thus avoiding repetitive messages.
  • Stay updated without overwhelming your inbox: Rather than cluttering your email inbox with copies of subscriptions and notifications, stay informed by visiting My Sent Emails to track what your clients are receiving and opening.
    Screenshot of My Sent Emails


  • Validate portal access: To confirm your client’s portal access, navigate to their Portal tab inside Contact Management. Look for the Reset Account button rather than Invite to Portal. This signifies that they possess portal access. If necessary, employ this option to dispatch a password reset email.
    Image representing how to determine if a client has Portal access or not.
  • Utilize listing favorites: Enhance collaboration with your clients by reviewing the listings they have saved as favorites. This will give you insight into their preferences and allow you to tailor your services accordingly.
    • Extra tip: Implement a ranking system. Encourage your clients to use the Portal’s ranking feature to rate listings from one to three stars.
      • An example ranking system:
        • One Star – Indicates interest in the property.
        • Two Stars – Reflects a desire for more information.
        • Three Stars – Interested in requesting a showing.